Epsom Salts Bath
Epsom salts bath detox helps draw out toxins and detoxify your body.
Epsom salts bath helps relax fatigued muscles and moves stagnant waste and fluids from the body.
I was asked to explain a little about doing this as a detox so here it is.
I put 2-3 handfuls of Epsom salts in a bath of very warm water. Sometimes I like to add three or four drops of lavender essential oil to bring in a lovely relaxed mood.
doTERRA essential oils are the brand I use. I find lavender is especially good when I have a bath in the evening or just before sleep.
You should aim to stay in the bath for about twenty minutes to allow the salts to do their thing.
100g is the minimum recommended to gain the detox effect.
Epsom salts is excellent at drawing out toxins and encourages sweating which in itself is a way of promoting a detox. But remember to keep warm after your bath. So if you can get into a warm bed so you should sleep soundly.
It is not unusual to perspire after the bath but this also encourages healing as toxins are eliminated via the skin.
Obviously exercise caution if you are elderly, suffering from any underlying medical condition such as high blood pressure, heart or kidney conditions. Also please keep out of reach of small children.
I have heard of Epsom salts being used for a laxative effect but I do not recommend this. If you need to cleanse your colon please use Oxy-Powder colon cleanse capsules. They have been made specifically for colon cleansing. It’s a much safer option.
As detoxing goes this is probably one of the nicer ones…Enjoy!!
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