Global Healing Oxy-Powder Natural Digestive Cleanse Instructions

Recommended Use

Take 2 capsules with a full glass of purified water before bed. If you do not achieve 2-3 bowel movements the next day, increase by 1 capsules each night until you achieve 2-3 movements. Take your serving 2-3 times weekly or as desired. Drink plenty of water while using Oxy-Powder.

Tip: Adding fresh lemon juice to your water will increase the effectiveness of Oxy-Powder.

Scroll down for video instructions 👇🏼

Oxy-Powder by Global Healing 120 capsule pot

What to drink?

Avoid carbonated or soft drinks, alcohol and caffeine. You could add lemon to your water for flavour. For a healthy adult, it is recommended to drink around 8 glasses of water per day, but individual needs may vary.

What to eat?

Reduce or cut out processed foods entirely. Especially foods that contain sugar, are fried or have a lot of dairy in them.

Check out Global Healing's comprehensive Green Body Cleanse - click here

Rule of Thumb

Eat healthy but smaller portions.

Stay hydrated.

Aim to move 2-3 times a day.

Healthy diet alongside colon cleansing
One question everyone asks … Are there any foods I need to cut out like dairy, pasta, coffee etc …?

Ideally eat a healthy live-food based diet and make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Check out Global Healing's comprehensive Green Body Cleanse - click here


Your maintenance dose is very much an individual amount and can be taken indefinitely without becoming habit forming or harmful to the body.

Maintenance: Take your effective serving size two to three times weekly to encourage a normal bowel movement every day.

TIP: Consider trying half the dose you used for the 7 Day Cleanse.

Video 1:38 minutes

Overnight Cleanse

This overnight cleanse is so handy if you don’t have the time for a 7 Day Cleanse. It’s a real 'get out of jail card' when you need to empty your colon quickly and without hassle.

Video 1.01 minutes