Is Your Work-Life Balance Non-Existent?

Discover how to master your work-life balance without sacrificing your income or family time in my upcoming interactive workshop.

Next Date Coming Soon!!

Imagine having:
  • The confidence to face all challenges head-on.
  • The peace of knowing exactly what your next steps are.
  • And crystal clear clarity and focus around the direction you're taking.

It may sound like a dream but it's closer than you think. Join me on our interactive workshop Monday January 8th and learn how to turn your dream into a reality.

Why me?

With 18 years of self-employment experience, a successful natural products business and a range of qualifications including Advanced Soul Realignment Practitioner, Master Healer, Life & Executive Business Coach, and Mentor, I have developed a unique approach to achieving work-life balance.

Using a combination of business strategies, AI and intuitive inner knowing, I've helped many clients embed these strategies into their unique manifestation blueprints. Now, it's your turn.

Four Pillars of Success: Your Pathway to a Balanced Life

This workshop is built around four key pillars that I use in my one-to-one mentoring, and group programs. These are not just about actions, but about creating a much deeper understanding of yourself and how you work best.

Manifestation & Aligned Action

Turn your dreams into reality with targeted, intentional actions.

Intentional Habits

Form habits that contribute to your goals, not detract from them.


Discover who you are deep down and how you work best

Abundance Mindset

Learn to view your life and business through a lens of abundance, not scarcity.

If you're tired of working all hours and still not seeing the results you want, it's time to take back control. Join me in this upcoming workshop to connect with your entrepreneurial spirit, stretch beyond what you think is possible, and create a work-life balance that serves you.

It's time to see overwhelm not as a stumbling block but as a sign that you're ready to level up.



Working with Edel was a game-changer for me. I was struggling with a horrendous work-life balance. Edel offered me really practical solutions and the tools needed to establish balance. Then when Soul Realignment was included what can I say, that is the secret sauce, that's when the magic happened! ... If you're thinking about working with Edel don't hesitate, take the first step and just see where it takes you

Entrepreneur also working in corporate

I instinctively knew I wanted to change but felt like I was walking through mud attempting anything. The work I completed with Edel, was exactly what I needed. She guided me through each step I needed skilfully and in a way that empowered me to trust my inner knowing.

I am well on my way to creating the work life I
aspired to achieve. I’m totally in flow and loving it. I highly recommend
investing in yourself and working with Edel. It will return to you tenfold

Sinead Flanagan
DIY Wellness

Before I found Edel, I was struggling with feeling stuck and overwhelmed in my business. But after applying the principles and strategies taught by Edel, my business has transformed. I now have clarity, purpose, and a renewed sense of passion in what I do. I highly recommend Edel O'Hanlon to any business owner who wants to take their business to the next level.

Caroline from Cork
Energy Healer

Ready to reclaim your life?