Feeling overwhelmed with the never-ending to-do list for your business and family?

Are you constantly juggling tasks without seeing significant progress?

This 'Master Your Work-Life Balance' workbook is designed especially for determined go-getters like you, providing effective tools to regain control of your schedule, prioritise tasks, and create a balanced, fulfilling life.

I understand the unique challenges faced by small business owners because I've been there. I am a successful business owner and coach.

This workbook is designed with the specific purpose of helping business owners find an initial level of balance, that will help them catch their breath long enough to figure out where they are.

What's included in the workbook?

Get Your Priorities Right

This tool helps you instantly reduce your current state of overwhelm by helping you prioritize your tasks effectively.

Sorting tasks based on their importance and urgency, seeing them organised, will help you as a business owner focus energy on what truly matters.

Use Time Strategically

A powerful technique for managing your schedule and optimizing your productivity.

Keep it simple. A tool does not have to be complicated to create powerful shifts towards achieving results.

Challenges V's Opportunity

Reflecting on current challenges and success, creates opportunity and increased motivation. It cultivates gratitude and helps to gain valuable self-awareness.

Master Your Work Life Balance



Working with Edel was a game-changer for me. I was struggling with a horrendous work-life balance. Edel offered me really practical solutions and the tools needed to establish balance. Then when Soul Realignment was included what can I say, that is the secret sauce, that's when the magic happened! ... If you're thinking about working with Edel don't hesitate, take the first step and just see where it takes you.

Entrepreneur also working in corporate.

I instinctively knew I wanted to change but felt like I was walking through mud attempting anything. The work I completed with Edel, was exactly what I needed. She guided me through each step I needed skilfully and in a way that empowered me to trust my inner knowing.

I am well on my way to creating the work life I
aspired to achieve. I’m totally in flow and loving it. I highly recommend
investing in yourself and working with Edel. It will return to you tenfold

Sinead Flanegan
DIY Wellness

Before I found Edel, I was struggling with feeling stuck and overwhelmed in my business. But after applying the principles and strategies taught by Edel, my business has transformed. I now have clarity, purpose, and a renewed sense of passion in what I do. I highly recommend Edel O'Hanlon to any business owner who wants to take their business to the next level.

Caroline from Cork
Energy Healer
Ready to take control and find your perfect balance?

If you've had enough of working 24/7, pouring your heart and soul into a business that can barely give you the income or the life you dream of.... then it's time to take control again.

Let me help you do that. To reconnect with your dream. Don't just be successful, ... but stretch farther faster than you ever thought possible.

See overwhelm as a sign that's it's time to uplevel and stretch! Believe the income and life you dream of is available to you.

Next Step? Get the workbook and join me on my upcoming workshop where I will walk you through the process of using the tools to create the work-life balance that you dream of!