Oxy-Powder 7 Day Cleanse – Quick Guide

The Oxy-Powder 7 Day Cleanse is so simple and easy to do. All you need to do, to get it right, is to pay attention to how your body responds to the Oxy-Powder capsules you take each night.
The 7 Day Cleanse really couldn’t be more simple. I suggest my clients start on just two capsules at night. Then increase the dosage by one capsule per night, until your bowels are moving 2-3 times a day.
Day one of your 7 Day Cleanse is the first day your bowels move three times. Stay on the same number of capsules every night for seven nights. If you start to move five or more times you can decrease your dose by one capsule.
The manufacturers recommend to start with 4 capsules but to be honest I feel that is a little too much too soon. I prefer my clients take it slowly and start with two capsules. That way they will know where they are with the cleanse without any drama!
If your diet is not so healthy then do the 7 Day Cleanse every three months. Otherwise every six months should be fine.
If you feel you would like a maintenance dose then try half the dose you took for your seven day cleanse. And take that every other night. There is flexibility within the maintenance dose so work it around whatever commitments you may have.
Remember to drink plenty of water to help prevent constipation. And to eat a healthy diet and stop as many processed foods as you can.
If you have any questions please do contact me at edel@thewellbeingclinic.ie I will help you with any queries you might have on Oxy-Powder or the 7 Day Cleanse.
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